The role of women in the church

THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE CHURCH                             14/05/2016
Helpful women strengthened men and churches.
Ø  Phoebe (Rom. 16: 1, a servant of the church in Cenchrea).
Ø  Priscilla (Rom. 16: 3-5, Priscilla and Aquilla were fellow workers with Paul.
Ø  Romans 16:12 also lists women who were helpful to Paul.

Edification of the Church
Edification means the spiritual building up of the members (Eph. 4: 15, 16)

Ø  Women can teach children, especially their own, as did Lois and Eunice (2 Tim. 1: 5).
Ø  Older women can teach younger women how they are to conduct themselves (Titus 2: 3-5)
Ø  They can encourage those who are discouraged and even compliment the strong -I Thes. 5: 14

Benevolence or giving help to others
Ø  Dorcas was one known for helping needy widows - Acts 9:36-39
Ø  The woman cooks, keeps the home, visits the sick and needy
Ø  Food and clothing are often involved in assisting the truly needy

Assisting the church leaders or men of God
Ø  Euodia and Syntyche labored with Paul in the gospel (Phil. 4: 2-3)
Ø  There were women who assisted Jesus in his teaching (Mk. 15: 40)

Helping to spread the Gospel or witnessing for Christ
Ø  Women can host Bible studies in their homes (I Cor. 16: 19)
Ø  The Samaritan woman, went and told everyone (Jn. 4: 28-29)

Virtuous Woman  -Living an exemplary life
Ø  Proverbs 31:10-31
Ø  Ruth-  Ruth 3:7-12
Ø  Mary- Luke 1:26-33

Submissive to Husband

1 Peter 3:1, Colossians 3:18

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